Marissa Halim



Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA


web design/development , animation , virtual reality


Languages and Frameworks: Java, Javascript, C, C++, React, Spring Boot

Toolsets/OS: Windows 10, macOS, Git/GitHub, g++

Applications: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Unity


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Science (expected Spring, 2023)

  • ICS 311 Algorithms
  • ICS 314 Software Engineering I
  • ICS 321 Database Systems I
  • ICS 332 Operating Systems
  • ICS 414 Software Engineering II
  • ICS 427 Software Quality Assurance
  • ICS 484 Data Visualization
  • ICS 486 Virtual & Augmntd Reality Prog

2019 - Present


Java Web Programmer I, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Work with others to redesign and develop a website for the ITC at the University of Hawaii at Manoa

  • Collaborated with a small group of programmers to design & solve issues of a website for the IT Center
  • Utilized the Java framework Spring Boot, the Java template engine Thymeleaf, AngularJS, and Bootstrap for development

2021 - Present

Accounting Intern, Group 70, International

Help the accounting department

  • Input invoice data into an Excel sheet to keep track of when and what expenses were paid
  • File and organize all documented communication for current and future projects

2019 - Present


Treasurer & Mentor, ICSpark

Work with other mentors to oversee a group of students ranging from grades 6-12 and guide them through multiple projects that help them build their Javascript, CSS, and HTML skills

  • Assist students when they are stuck with certain parts of a project
  • Collaborate with other mentors to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment

2020 - Present

Volunteer, Seamsters Union

Make masks from upcycled products for Hawaii’s most needy population

  • Cut face pieces and ties for adult and keiki masks
  • Organization donated over 7,000 masks to numerous organizations around the nation

2020 - 2021


Manoa Academic Merit Scholarship, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2019-Present

Awarded to students that fall within the 3.5 GPA range or higher.


Available upon request